Magnolia's Workout Guide

Magnolia's Workout Guide - Magnolia Boutique

We are in the workout spirit at Magnolia Boutique! With the New Year resolutions and the launch of our new active wear line, we can’t help but want to share our workout tips and moves with you. With help from our very own model, Britney, we bring to you Magnolia Boutique’s Workout Guide. By no means are we personal trainers, but this helps all of us stay in shape and helps us stay motivated year round! Whether you already stopped your workout 2018 resolution, you haven’t yet started, or if you are a workout QUEEN, we hope these tips and moves help you in some way.

Shop our whole athletic line HERE to look great while accomplishing your workout goals!

Here are some tips for working out

1. Stay Hydrated

Drinking water is so important, especially if you’re extremely active. Staying hydrated boosts energy, helps keep muscles from cramping and getting sore, and fights fatigue. Everyone should be drinking 8 16 fl oz. glasses of water a day!

2. Find a workout buddy

One of our best tips for working out is to find a buddy. Working out alone can be boring and very discouraging. Grab a friend, family member, co-worker, or anyone you know and hit the gym. Swap out those mall days for workout days and make it fun!

Two girls laughing and doing yoga

3. Have a plan

Plan out your workouts before you go. Having it planned out for the week allows you to easily get through the workout since you know what you’re going to be doing.

4. Eat Clean

Just like drinking plenty of water, eating clean helps boost your energy! Getting to the gym after a long day of work or school is difficult when the sleepiness hits, but having an energy boosting breakfast and lunch along with great snacks will help you feel more awake for your workout.

Cute workout leggings and mauve pullover sweatshirt

5.Have a killer playlist

A favorite workout tip of ours: pump up your workouts with some awesome music. Those long runs or difficult weight days can be brutal, but with your favorite tunes playing it can be a little bit more bearable. Create a playlist and fill it with upbeat songs that will get your feet moving!

6.Make goals

Having goals, short term and long term, will keep you on track and motivated. Make week goals, month goals, and year goals. The small victories of your short-term goals will help you stay positive and motivated to continue on!

Mauve leggings and baby pink workout top

7.Make time for it

Putting gym time in your day-to-day life can be hard. Carving out real time for it in your schedule will help you stick to it! Sometimes going at the same time throughout the week will make more of a routine out of it, which helps with staying committed.

8.Find Exercise you enjoy doing

No one wants to do things they don’t like, and working out is no different! There’s so many different classes like spin, barre, zumba, yoga, and many more that you will surely find something you love which will make it more fun and easy to actually continue to work out.

9.Have cute workout clothes

Of course we couldn’t leave this workout tip out! Getting some new and  cute workout clothes will create more excitement to go to the gym. Just like finding that perfect top to wear out, finding the perfect leggings to workout in will have the same effect! Magnolia Boutique has you covered in this area with our new activewear line.

Two friends working out together

10.Stay positive and keep going

We all know this is easier said than done, but everyone is able! Don’t let yourself feel overwhelmed by your workouts or how far you have to go. Always focus on how far you have come and stick with these tips and you will be on your way to attaining those goals!

Britney's Workout Guide

I have been doing most of these workouts since high school and they have worked great for me. I don't love running, so I walk for cardio .. and chase around my 15 month old all day! ;) I am a former Colts Cheerleader and Pacemate, I used these workout tips to stay in shape for dancing! I am not a personal trainer, but these workouts work for me, along with eating healthy. If you've never worked out, then I would recommend starting out doing a lower amount of each workout and working your way up each time. Don't be discouraged because the first few times will be difficult, but when using these workout tips, you will eventually see results and feel more energized!

1. Squats: (50) I keep my weight in my heels and think about sitting in a chair, my feet are shoulder width apart. My knees shouldn't go past my toes when I am in the squatting position and I go low to get the most out of my workout! I do them with an 8 pound weight in each hand and raise the weights above my head when in the standing position to work my arms as well!

Squats in cute floral leggings

2. Side leg lifts: (50 each side) I lay on my side and put my arm straight under my head which makes me use my abs for balancing a little. I lift my leg straight up to the side with a 10 pound weight.

Weighted leg raises in cute floral leggings

3. Butt raises: (50 per leg) I use a 10 lb weight on each leg. I lay flat, facing up, putting one leg on a couch (or chair or raised area) and keeping the other leg bent. I put the opposite leg in the air, straight and keep it under my knee - very important to get the most out of this workout. I then lift my body until it is in a flat position in the air. This workout is one of my favorites because it engages so many muscles.

Weighted butt raises in cute floral leggings

4. Bent leg kicks: (50 per leg) I use a 10 pound weight on each leg and start with my hands and knees on the floor. I do one leg at a time and straighten it to be in line with my body, then bring it back down and repeat. This workout was great for when I was pregnant.

Weighted leg kicks in cute floral leggingsLeg kicks in cute floral leggings

5. Straight crunches with legs: (50-100) I start with my arms behind my head and my shoulders and legs slightly off the floor. I think about keeping my belly button to my back to keep my abs fully engaged and lift my head to my knees.

Crunches in cute floral leggings

6. Side arm raises: (40) I use 8 pound weights in each arm and raise them straight out to shoulder height at the same time.

Side arm raises in cute floral leggings

7. Back arm curls: (40 per arm) I use 8 pound weights in each hand and start with hands and knees on the floor. I pull the weight back and forth from my shoulder to my hip. I do this 40 times per arm.

Workout with weights in cute floral leggingsArm curls in cute floral leggings

For a better look at Britney's workout tips and even more moves, check out her workout video!



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